THE OTHER CLUB Fitness Center
Committed to Providing You with High Quality Fitness and Wellness
The Your Health Matters Nutrition is a one-on-one consultation program designed to take participants a step at a time towards optimum health and wellness through healthy eating and fitness for life.
Participants put into practice and learn pro-active healthcare, how to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, improve bone health, decrease stress, prevent and reverse degenerative diseases and more through plant based nutrition.
Program Options:
Nutrition Coaching - Prices can vary depending upon individual needs.
Fitness Class - Drop in or punch cards are available. Refer to class schedule CLICK HERE
The Other Club Fitness gym memberships available.
All Your Health Matters Fitness and Nutrition sessions are with Nancy Stilson-Herzog, a certified health and wellness coach.
For more information and rates contact Nancy @ 970 - 231 - 7201