THE OTHER CLUB Fitness Center
Committed to Providing You with High Quality Fitness and Wellness
TAI CHI with Min Fan & John Broderick
Tai Chi: The traditional Chinese system of mind and body training. It is widely practiced around the world by people of all ages for betterment of health and well-being. Come discover the art and healing power of Tai Chi with Min Fan.
Min Fan, a long time practitioner of Tai Chi, has studied with masters both in US and China.
Class Time
Wednesday / Friday 9:00 - 10:00 am taught by Min Fan
10 visit punch pass Members $120 / Non-Members $150 / Drop-in $18 per class.
Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30 pm taught by John Broderick. Class will focus on classic Yang Style Tai Chi. 10 visit punch pass Members $150 / Non-Member $180 / Drop-in $23 per class.
Min Fan
Class Signup
Email Min Fan at minfan2005@yahoo.com or text at 970-219-0499
Call or text John at 970-948-9152